Welcome to Test Site Services

Let us be your partner! We provide the highest quality, lowest cost test and report package in New England. We also have the most innovative options for doing business. We want to be a seamless extension of your company's existing regulatory/quality capabilities.

We have been providing high quality EMC Testing Services in New England since 1990. Present clients include 3COM, EMC Corp, Holmes, LANart, Shiva/Intel, Excel, Open Route Networks, Motorola ING, The Foxboro Company, Artel, Cambridge Soundworks, Novametrix, Hewlett Packard Medical and numerous others

Let us design a custom plan for your business AND your technical requirements

TSS Operational Policy

Corporate :
PO Box 766
Marlboro, MA 01752
Phone : (508) 962-1662

Corporate Email:

Laboratory :
30 Birch Street
Milford MA 01757
Phone : (508) 634-3444

Lab Email:

Copyright © Test Site Services, Inc.